Monday, March 5, 2012

~ The Immaculate Black Madonna ~

Have you any education on 'The Black Madonna'? Well come to class, I will share with you all I know...

These are excerpts from a lecture by Dr.Matthew Fox

"Every archetype has its seasons. They come & go according to the deepest, often unconscious, needs of the psyche both personal & collective. Today the Black Madonna is returning. She is coming, not going, & she is calling us to something new (and very ancient as well).

An archetype by definition is not about just one thing. No metaphor, no symbol, is a literal mathematical formula. The Black Madonna meant different things in different historical periods & different cultural settings.

She has comes to challenge us, to shake us up which is an ancient work of Isis.The Black Madonna is Dark & calls us to the darkness...

Darkness is something we need to get used to again. “Enlightenment” has deceived us into being afraid of the dark & distant from it. Light switches are illusory. They feed the notion that we can “master nature” & overcome all darkness with a flick of our finger.

(Meister Eckhart observes that “the ground of the soul is dark.” Thus to avoid the darkness is to live superficially, cut off from one’s ground, one’s depth.)

The Black Madonna invites us into our depths.

This is what the mystics call the “inside” of things, the essence of things. This is where Divinity lies. It is where the true self lies. It is where illusions are broken apart.

She calls us back to the darkness which is mystery itself. She encourages us to be at home there, in the presence of deep, black, unsolveable mystery. To forever remain in AWE.

She is the great Cosmic-Mother on whose lap all creation exists. The universe itself is embraced & mothered by her.

The Black Madonna calls us down to honor our lower chakras. One of the most dangerous aspects of western culture is its constant flight upwards, its race to the upper chakras. The Black Madonna takes us down, down to the first chakras including our relationship to the whole. To the EARTH. To our sexuality (second chakra) & our anger & moral outrage (third chakra).

European culture in the modern era especially has tried to flee from all these elements both in religion & in education. The Black Madonna will not tolerate such flights from The Earth.

Because she honors the direction of down & the lower chakras that take us there, the Madonna Honors The Earth & represents Ecology & Environmental Concerns.

-MOTHER EARTH- is named by her very presence. Mother Earth is dark & fecund & busy birthing. So is the Black Madonna.

“The Black Madonna is also the Queen of Nature, the blesser & agent of all rich fertile transformations in External & Inner Nature, (in the outside world and in the psyche).”

Mother Earth nurtures her children & feeds the world & the Black Madonna welcomes them home when they die. SHE RECYCLES ALL THINGS.

The Black Madonna calls us to the ENVIRONMENTAL REVOLUTION, to seeing the world in terms of our INTERCONNECTEDNESS with all things & not our standing off to Master or Rule over Nature (as if we could even if we tried).

She is an affront to efforts of capitalist exploitation of the resources of the earth including the exploitation of the indigenous peoples who have been longest on the Earth interacting w/ her in the most nuanced of ways.

The Black Madonna sees things in terms of the WHOLE & therefore does not countenance the abuse, oppression or exploitation of the many for the sake of financial aggrandizement of the few!

She has ALWAYS stood for justice for the oppressed & lower classes (as distinct from the lawyer classes). She urges us to STAND-UP to those powers that, if they had their way, would exploit her beauty for short term gain at the expense of the experience of beauty that future generations will be deprived of.

The Black Madonna calls us to living SPIRITUALLY & radically on this planet & NOT SUPERFICIALLY & Unthinkingly & Oblivious to the grace that has begotten us in so many ways.

She -CALLS US- to enter into the depths of our pain, suffering & shared grief—not to run from it or cover it up with a myriad of addictions.

She calls us to the depths of our Creativity & to entertain the images that are born in and through us. And she calls us to the depths of transformation, of social, economic, gender, racial & Eco justice.

The Black Madonna calls us to our Divinity which is also our Creativity. She calls us inside, into the “kingdom/queendom of God” where we can co-create with Divinity & feel the rush of Divinity’s holy breath or spirit.

~But to call us to Divinity is to call us to our Responsibility To Give Birth~

Because the Black Madonna is black, she addresses the fundamental phobia around race & differences of color & culture that come with race & ethnic diversity.

God as Mother, not just Father. God as Birther, not just Begetter. Gender diversity is honored by the Black Madonna and so too is gender preference.

The Black Madonna, the Great Mother, is not homophobic. She welcomes the diversity of sexual preferences that are also part of creation, human & more-than-human.

(We have now counted fifty four species of birds and mammals that have significant homosexual populations. The medieval notion that homosexuality is “against nature” has been dis-proven: A homosexual minority is very much part of nature.)

The Black Madonna calls us to Grieve. The Black Madonna is the sorrowful mother, the mother who WEEPS TEARS for the suffering in the universe, the suffering in the world, the brokenness of our very vulnerable hearts. She is WATER. She is EMOTION.

The Great Mother, knows & empathizes with us in our pain. She embraces us like a tender mother, for COMPASSION is her SPECIAL GIFT to the world.

Only by passing through grief can creativity burst forth anew. Grieving is an emptying, it is Making The Womb Open Again for New-Birth to happen.

A culture that would substitute addictions for grieving is a culture that has lost its soul & its womb. To grieve is to enter what John of the Cross in the sixteenth century called the “dark night of the soul.”

“God replied: ‘I wish always to be your physician, bringing healing anointment for all your wounds. If it is I who allow you to be wounded so badly, do you not believe that I will heal you most lovingly in the very same hour?”

What is it we learn in this darkness of soul & spirit? “From suffering I have learned this: That whoever is sore wounded by love will never be made whole unless he embrace the very same love which wounded her.”

The Black Madonna calls us to Celebrate & to Dance. While she weeps tears for the world, as the sorrowful mother, she does not wallow in her grief, she does not stay there forever. Rather, she is a joyful mother, a mother happy to have being & to have shared it with so many other creatures. She expects Joy in return. Celebration of life and its pleasures lie at the core of her existence."

Celebration is part of compassion. Celebration is the exercise of our common joy. Praise is the noise that joy makes. It is in favor of BIOPHILIA. She is a lover of life par excellence. She expects us, her children, to be the same.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

~ No Goodbye ~

((I won't say Goodbye! But rather... Until We Meet Again!!))

I wrote and performed these poems over 10 years ago, but they are wonderful, & I believe you will appreciate them.


Woman you grow inside me

Gently cracking & breaking

the little girl shell

You emerge slowly

Mothering my inner child

Leading me into maturity

I feel your strength pass every test

your virtue is mine to hold

We are becoming...One

Woman be born from my soul

Let my eyes shine bright with the light

of your natural love & compassion

We are bonded in spirit

United in passion

Screaming out the exhilarating Ohm of life

Sensual woman, express your Divinity

For you are the Bride of Creation

You are the Mother of us all


I am dreaming

I am dreaming even now

even as the light streams thru my windows

& I am holding a glowing orb, a luminous moon

between my palms

~I know I am Becoming~

I am becoming the dream

I am becoming a healer, a dancer, a lover

I have been chosen for the dance

and I am becoming

the dance

I am healing my heart

as I gently caress the moon

The pearl white moon

I hold between my palms

And I dance the dance of the Goddess

I am one of many

who have been chosen by the dance

to become... A Dancer

Together we dance, entranced, dreaming

Together we sing to the moon

& all its phases

Together we laugh

We cry, we live we die

I am dreaming even now

And I love the music

That entices my body to dance & emanate the Goddess

I am singing & dancing & laughing & crying

I am wide awake

And I am dreaming the dream of dreamers

loving the love of lovers

dancing with my sisters & brothers

as we weave the web of life

& hold the luminous moon between our palms.


With un-surpassing compassion

She danced herself into life

Weaving the world

upon her luminous fingertips.

She is star-woman

Feeding her children from her breasts

One of Sun, one of Moon

Spreading her fine feathers

Thru time & space

-No Goodbye-

It's the rhythmic passion

Of a beating heart

It's the blood that flows

And gives us life

It's creation itself

That lies within a human soul

It's a greeting

In a goodbye

A farewell to fears

A hello to happy endings

Its the will of iron

That stimulates the imagination

to paint with shades of love

It's simple understanding

of something never comprehending

A granting of a wish long forgotten

A feverish hope

That causes us to dance in the flames of our death...

In time a flower blooms

A young man smiles

As he realizes he was born to be loved

And celestial voices remind us

That friends will always meet again

In this life

Or the next.

-Forever blooming-

~ Dear Galileo & Miss Sunny Sun ~

When my ideas of Spiritual Unity seem squashed by the modern world, I think of Dear Galileo. When he was speaking the truth he was condemned. The church says the son, Jesus, is the center of a persons salvation, but when science said the Sun, was the center of the solar system, they could not or did not want to accept how the microcosm & the macrocosm are reflections of one another, are both heliocentric, & are in fact complimentary. They only perceived competition. It took 350 years for Galileo's truth to be 'officially accepted'. Only in 1992 was this wrong formally rectified.

I find it hard to subscribe to competition rather than collaboration. I see the corruptness in business, war, politics & especially religion. When I reveal my inner truths about these matters many times I feel condemned & marked as the fool. For a moment I feel like I am less than. I can't seem to see the purpose of all the ways we step on one another to get to the top, or be in control. When I refuse to play this game I find myself "outcast".

Then I think of Galileo and how under threat of torture he was forced to recant-his-truth. He was (punished) for using his intelligence, for not believing what others expected him to believe.

I remember that so much of our human experience is in fact illusion, and sometimes the illusion is a collective one and very powerful. They can make people kill & torture one another. People can become so engrossed in feeling superior to one another that they will become willing participants in mass genocide. Think of how often this has happened! ~Gasp~

So I must realize that when the world is busy besting one another, showing each other up, scrambling to gain as much wealth, power, & control as possible, that maybe I have something to feel good about & I am in No-Way inferior. That maybe I am not the fool, but that they are not ready to accept that Love, not money, is what makes the world go around. That what is truly real is the Sacred-Iinterconnectedness-of-All-Life. That what we need to attain is a Spiritual Democracy that is built upon the principles of: equality, freedom, accountability, responsibility, integrity, compassion, forgiveness, reciprocity, reverence and service.

That we must have a willingness to look inward.

Is is not about comparing ourselves to others, but more about how much we share with others. How much we nurture, accept & look out for one another as sisters & brothers. There is more than enough to go around, & if we focus our minds on Love & begin to think with our hearts, then all our needs will be met. If we count our blessings instead of our losses we will see the abundance we have been given and always feel grateful, or full of greatness. We will understand the innate equality in all things and know that nothing is greater than or less than.

We wont be inclined to find differences & faults, but commonality.

I was raised to believe that humility is strength, & kindness is not weakness. That maturity means to be able to fairly see the other person's point of view and even to research it before rejecting, condemning, or criticizing it. To be responsible for seeking your own truth as an individual rather than joining with whatever majority might appear to be too strong to go up against. And to promptly Admit When You Are Wrong and willingly surrender your pride.

~ Seeing Stars ~

I am Ferociously Flawed
yet Purr-fectly Powerful

I am in accordance with Harmonic Resonance
& there is abundance even within dissonance

Each night I wish upon the stars
tonight it's All Good, for Venus & for Mars

Isn't it a wonder how everything in Heaven is reflected upon the Earth
& how all of our Myths have this sort of worth?

Do you know there are Mirror Cells & Star Cells within our Human Vessels
Inside ourselves the Love of the Universe nestles

Once upon a time there was Adam
of course within him was the atom

Apon one noisy or quiet Eve, a spontaneous combustion happened
& so was born Reproduction

Soon the stars could dance
The symphony of the earth lulling them into trance

Each man & woman had 5 points
They had bone, muscle, skin, ligaments & joints

....In the beginning there were No Words, and from this verbal silence sprang music, and the music exists Soul-ly for (The Dance) & this Divine Dance IS GOD ★ ☆ ✰

~Crouching Monkey/Hidden Buddha~

During this Odyssey called Life, I have done my fair share of reading & researching, with no shortage of pondering. Some have actually called me an 'information junkie' which I take as a compliment. I decided to open-up & share some of what I have learned about myself.

All along it has been a "Journey", although more recently, since coming into maturity during my 30's, it has predominantly become a Journey of Self-Study. In the past I was experiencing many things, yet in the present I am beginning to Experience the Experiencer. To Perceive the Perceiver, if you will. I have begun to observe my conditioning & my constructed Self, to find the difference of who I think I am, and who 'I Am' in the larger more complete sense.

On many levels, I consider myself a Noble Creature. I am a clever, chatty, mischevious, territorial, singing, dancing, passionate, creative, talking monkey. A proud angelic little beast. A primate... with an upgrade. A bipedal thinker who is daring to delve into the deeper nature of her Own Nature. Turning myself inside out to find the Organic Truths of unrestrained Human Being-ness. Of Consciousness. Of Awareness.

This 'Seeking' came about due to my own long-term tormented suffering. I was trapped in a self-perpetuated delusion. I was confused & lost. I was not claiming my birthright of Divine Origin. I was caught in the facade. A Charlatan-ruled by my Ego. Trapped in the Maya, the smoke & mirrors, of illusion. I was un-aware & un-balanced, swinging from emotional extremes. A ship without a Captain, running on auto-pilot. Determined & eager I made a powerful decision to learn to identify & differentiate my Ego-ic small-self from my Higher Self. To pull aside the veil, & in this way my Truest Self could claim its Throne... but first I had to Surrender. To admit that I 'do not know', and be able to begin with a Beginners Mind. I had to empty out the pre-programmed thoughts, and sit Still & be very Quiet.

~I had to Listen~

As I became Still on the inside, it began to reflect on the outside.
I stopped clinging to things. I dropped much of the fear, like so much unwanted weight, that caused co-dependency & attachment. I LET GO! I stopped trying to control & learned to enjoy going with the flow. As Acceptance entered the picture I noticed how little I resisted suffering, & through this non-resistant attitude, my suffering decreased. I no longer magnified my pain & it became more like a passing shower than a full-fledged hurricane complete with soul-crushing hail. I stopped trying to grab the bull by the horns and became a Graceful Toreador moving about ease-fully in life's Sacred Dance.

With ongoing practice of Mindful Living most of my great walls have come down. I no longer feel alienated, excluded, or separated from other people, cultures, species, or the whole of the universe. I am beginning to embrace all I encounter. I have heard it said that "The Fire of an Awakened Being rejects nothing, consumes & makes use of everything, & so it burns with an Exquisite Brightness"-- that essentially helps to shine White-Light to guide the Soul Home.

I don't mind giving up the 'small things' in order to accomplish the Big Thing. I tackled my addictions one by one, mercilessly slaying the dragons that would hinder my growth & threaten to keep me in a darkened dungeon for eons. I no longer seek out or crave that which is self-defeating. I do not want what I have not got, & what I got is all that I want. Enlightenment comes when one is responsible enough & brave enough to first & foremost "Be a Light unto Yourself". In this way the hidden aspects of ourselves are revealed & dealt with in a conscious manner & the World is changed from the inside out, one person at a time.

To fully enter & occupy ones senses & feelings is a courageous act. Trust me, I know how brave one has to be to be sensitive. When we are able to find some-form-of-pleasure in every encounter, that is the true measure of maturity. To Seek & To Find the Inherent Goodness in One & All is what it means to Live Fully Alive & to be Genuinely Thriving.

We Are Here....Now. There is no other time...than the Perfect Present Moment. Weather you are farther into your Journey or just beginning, you are, right now, standing on a precipice. Weather you are new or old, if you Start with your Heart, you will scale your steepest mountains with the ease of an experienced climber.

What is within you is a Knowing. An Ancient Understanding of Truth. It is your Guru, remover of darkness, and your Guide.
You Are Not Alone.....The Force---Is With You! ... and so is SUNFLOWER!

xoXXox Lovin-You-Soulmate-Family

Yours truly, Sunny Sunflower!

~ Halo ~

....And I'm keeping it ON!