Wednesday, April 2, 2014

~ The PLAY of Life ~

Thank you for being my Soulmates. My (In Lak'ech Ala K'in), my mirrors, my co-stars in this play of life. I have been beaten, I have fallen, I have had my heart broken open & I know what it means to gain Freedom by pushing up thru the darkness.

We are here Friends, as Human Angels, no longer controlled by the ego or the lower elements of the underworld. We wear the Golden Crown of the Violet Vibration. We are a Collective Soul. We are One in the Uni-Verse, floating in the Galax-Sea. We are what we dream to be!

We are most definitely an Evolving Species. We have been repressed, suppressed, controlled, dominated, manipulated, in order to make the world what it is to day. We have been the ones who built the trains, the highways, the cities.... the pyramids..... the world wide web. We have done this in an attempt to connect to the Divine Source & to connect to one another. All roads... don't lead to Rome. They can lead us HOME. We are Awakening from the hypnosis, and we are generating a Wave of Awareness.

What we are here to do is bring the Freedom of HEAVEN into the Material realm. Non-attachment relieves suffering. We are SPIRIT inhabiting a physical vessel. We are playful & creative by nature. We are also competitive & controlling by nature. We are Maturing as a Species that knows it's Interconnectedness to all things. Harm one, harm the whole. What you do unto the least of these you do unto 'God'. We are the ocean in a drop. We are doing the work of LOVE.

Everything must stem from LOVE & COMPASSION, Not Fear... we are not business people. We are MEDICINE people. Live simply, live thrifty, recycle, give what you can, God will provide, have faith & rest in that. REST in the Knowing. We are growing. We are not designed to be work-a-holics, we are able to reduce the stress that causes dis-ease from Resting in Peace. We (don't have to be dead) to rest in Peace & the comfort of being provided for. God provides for all creatures great & small. Hoarding & worrying about money is generating stress for everyone. In order to be free we must let go. It's not about money or Wall Street.... it's about UNITY & together we can all live our dreams. We will all get to experience what our souls long for! We deserve that. We were created for that! To be HAPPY & Fulfilled!

The meek shall not inherit a corrupt, destroyed, polluted planet. The meek shall SPEAK! The meek shall LEAD the way. My gold, our gold, is on the inside. When you know that.... your gold will manifest on the outside & when you obtain financial gain, don't lose your soul & want more & more needful things. Be unattached, always, all-ways give back!

We can BE OUR OWN GOVERNORS. Sovereign Individuals in sovereign homes, in sovereign communities, in sovereign nations, in a sovereign world. Human Beings who are responsible to be their own AUTHORITY. We police ourselves. We heal ourselves. Sharing & caring will dissipate the crime. If we wish to stop crime & end violence we must trust & give.

Be ye servants of LOVE. This is the Only Job you have while visiting this planet. Serve Love in ALL you do. You will glean wisdom from books, but you do not NEED or require a book. We need to be allowed to be guided from the inside. We don't need religion to experience god. We would benefit more from having our own religious experience. God is too big to fit into one religion where one is right & all others are wrong. Have we not outgrown this silly separatism? Do not Saints come from all races & creeds? Let go of what we think we know so we can have space to learn. Open, open, open.

The more we agree to let one another be, so long as we harm none, the happier we can be. We don't need to convert people so our religion, our separatism has more power, more control, more sway & can dominate & rule the world. There is a separation of church & state? The church IS the state! We don't need a one world religion or a new world order. We need to co-exist in Peace & Freedom. We are already one. We WON!

Yes, -REVELATIONS- are happening but it is not the same Revelations in the Bible or other (divine writ) books. That Revelation was someone else's Revelation. We may have our own! We do not have to live in FEAR of the way it will all end! We do not have to manifest that prophecy. WE CAN ~CHANGE~ When we change our minds, we change our reality!

Imagine that.

With Divine Love, Your Mighty Girl Sunny xoXXox