They say to begin with a beginners mind. To start your quest for wisdom as plain & naive as an infant. It is understood that the mind of an infant is empty; it is fresh. It has no preconceived ideas; it sees things as they are. It is free from the habits of experience & therefore open to all possibilities. The infant has no thoughts of achievement, and makes no demands. it makes no judgements, no distinctions.The infant lives in the present. And because it does not put one before the other, the infant is equal with its Compassion.
The intellect can be an intruder on the Intuitive Experience. Intuition is a knowing or understanding Without Words.
Many times words stand to get in the way. They are used in battles of the intellect. They serve to fuel the fires of debates. In the end, the impasse remains untouched - altho one of the people involved feels victorious & ends up draining the power of the other. Even if the other is correct, words can serve as swords to slash & slay truth. It is a power struggle. A verbal/mental game of chess & the victor is not always the best man, but rather the more skilled & powerful at bashing, rejecting, convincing, collapsing, denying, or breaking down the other party's suggestions & ideas.
Language in the Intuitive Arena Is Futile
I do not belittle words or intellect.
Great teachers or parents know they should always be open to learning from students or children. Even if the only thing they are learning is how to be a better teacher or parent. Sometimes a way to be a better teacher is to listen. How can one even listen if one is intent on being the 'dominant talker' or know it all? The youth have a voice that needs to be respected & heard.
When you are confident about who you are, you are also benevolent. Ego wont keep you from reaching out & lending a helping hand, or from being compassionate. You will 'feel' a natural inclination to be of assistance to others in need. To be beneficial to the 'greater good'.
note: no one - nobody & no thing is to blame for anything that ever occurs, because all is ~Mutually Arising~
"What I desire is a return to the Profundity of Experience. I want a society where everyday activity, however mundane, is centered around how Incredibly Profound everything is. I want that profundity to become so Immense that any mediations between us & it... become totally unnecessary: we are In The marvel. When I am in that awe, Words Are So Irrelevant, I don't really care if you call my experience "God" or not. All I know is it is the Greatest Pleasure Possible: to hug a tree, to jump up and down at a beautiful sunset, to climb a magnificent hill, to take awe in what surrounds us. I am a hedonist, & I will have these pleasures; neither the religionist nor the atheist shall lock them away from me!"
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