For Buddhists, the rainbow is "the highest state achievable before attaining Nirvana, where individual desire & consciousness are extinguished."
The meaning of the 'Rainbow Body' is beyond that of a yogic attainment. It is ultimately a manifestation of Compassion, of a real bodhisattva's ability to show people that "the-path-is-worth-taking", that the (sacrifices are worth it), and that their endeavor has Universal Power to reach out beyond the confines of the body or time.
"You don't see the Rainbow Body with the eyes of the body but with the heart."

I met a lady on my travels who told me a story. She had a pet dove who had recently lost it's mate. One day she found an injured bird of another species in her back-yard. She decided to nurse it back to health & put it in the cage with her dove. When the bird had finally healed she took it outside and released it. It began to fly away and then circled back to fly around her and then proceeded to fly strait into a tree. Her presumption was that the bird & her dove, despite their differences had fallen in love, had filled missing holes for one another & could not bear to be separated. So this bird, for it's own need & the need of the other found a way to stay by re-injuring itself. They stayed together, this unusual pair, until the death of the dove. The next morning, the other bird had also died.

To be Healers we need to go beyond being victims or even survivors of whatever our own private hell might be. We are being called apon instead to become transformers of consciousness.
----Joan Borysenko, Fire in the Soul

I think this is a nice post on rainbow body.
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