My reflection, my shadow, and me.... my trinity. Well, one of them which are all striving for a bit of Truth, and the truth is I'm on the sidelines of the 'Game' I guess, because I wont participate in a rat-race. My 'programming' is not going to come from T.V. When Freud discovered our psychological workings & learned how to manipulate people with commercials & ads... (making certain people very rich)... by enticing & entrancing us with flashing lights, sounds, pretty pictures... Encouraging us to feel more complete if we were able to purchase 'certain things' that would be good for our Images. Presentation is everything! Goodness! To me... Real-ness is everything. We already ARE everything~~even NAKED. To have a bunch of 'stuff' makes some people happier, even if it pollutes the Earth, which in turn pollutes us, making us sick with dis-ease. Is that real happiness? (Insert your answer here) Yeah, my programming is coming from an ancient source.... LOVE.
~I'm less modern that way. I turn off the TV... unless it has something sincere to teach me.
I'll be there to support anyone who is interested in 'Shifting' their programmed consciousness. We know we've got to make the change. Truth & Health are more important than having things... creature comforts. Not that I don't like them. Air conditioning is fine, boy I sure love to be comfortable! but... I'm not going to be unhappy without it. I'm not interested in 'Slavery'. I'm not going to be a slave to the grind. I'm going to be a Servant to Love. I'm not going to be a slave to my addictions. Instead, I'm looking deep within to find that blessed wellspring of Freedom. I'm seeking. I'm seeing the Real Me. My own Inner Trinity....my Divinity.~~
It is said that when a soul finds its Truth, everything it needs comes to it. And... that soul genuinely Wants what it Needs. We get them both! When we have trust in our Divine Mother & Divine Father, we get Nurtured Wholly & Completely . We get soo many blessings, we can't even count them all.
Listen my Beloved Family, our Power is Purity. So have a little faith, a little trust. You are the Child of the One who Truly Loves you. You wont be forsaken if you let go of some control. Be your-self. Your True Wild Self. Let your Spirit taste Freedom. Do not be tethered & bound. You are All That Is-You! You are riding the spiral. You are Elemental... Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Metal. You are everything you see. Live, Love, Sing and Dance in your Power, before the whole of creation. You got IT... and no one can take it from you! You might be dark, or light, or a little Tiger Stripe, whatever you are, be that. Be all that is you. Go on, shake your tail-feather & spread some of that good Old-Fashioned Unconditional Love!

~For My Shadows~
I want to hold you. Hold you close... and shake you
and tell you it's okay.... to Love Yourself.
Stop standing in your own shadow.
Go..... Embrace the Light.
Be the Light.
~Unite~ with all of it.
Leave no part.... unaccepted.
Give in... surrender... rebel
You can still be free.... in fact freer still
If you will....
Love Yourself.
& I... being a piece... a peace.... of you.... Will be Loved.
For we are all inside... of the One... that is you... that is me... that is Love
~That is Love~
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