a: purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art
b: a cleansing that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
a: Beyond the ordinary range of perception
If one suffers for the sake of Love is the suffering really so hard to bear? Is it in fact still considered "suffering"? Could it be considered as 'growing pains'? Would it be called suffering to see a flower blooming, or a baby learning? Is a tree losing it's leaves seen as suffering? Or a geiser erupting? All these things give us delight as we see them happening.
Is it really suffering then when we suffer for Love or to be Loved? Is a willing act of self-immolation for love seen as suffering? What about martyrs & willing sacrifices, like Jesus Christ & Martin Luther King Jr? If what we witness ultimately turns us from our 'worldly concerns' to being in loving-union with the 'Highest Love', is it suffering? in cases such as these it would seem all of humanity together makes a 'mutual sacrifice'. A suffering to end suffering.
Is there no beauty to be seen in the suffering? God's presence & participation in the Agony & the Glory of all things remains steadfast. When all oppositions: such as Pleasure & Pain are At One - definitions vanish.
Why then choose to focus on suffering?
If you want to be perfect - if you are a "Perfectionist"... learn to perfect your COMPASSION. It is thru self-less-ness that one is released from self. From the sweetness & bitterness of all of life's joy's & sorrows. From all the desire & fear that keep us perpetually suffering.

Purge your fears, sweat your emotions, release your terrors, find your FREEDOM, and Dance in the Fires of Purification! xo

Tips on how to relax deeper into let go in an ecstatic dance practice. Learn simple techniques to help you surrender and trust letting go. Use dance to help you be more present and practice meditation.